Wholesalers & Trade Counters

With multiple price band functionality, MYPOS Connect allows for sales to both trade wholesale clients and direct retail customers.
Taking telephone orders, for customer deliveries or in-store customer collection?
Secure Link Services is not just another simple payment application. We have taken our 23 years of knowledge and experience in building, supplying and supporting payment applications for our clients and built an intelligent payment platform.
Your customers pay using a unique secure payment link, that’s sent via SMS and email.  Payments are authenticated using Strong Customer Authentication, protecting your business from fraudulent payments.  Customer can pay with a card, a digital wallet or with Open Banking.
Want to learn more about Secure Link Services?  Want to learn more about how we and MYPOS Connect can help your wholesale or trade counter business?
Talk to one of our experts, we will be more than happy to start an informal discussion on how we can help.

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